Could God be calling you to do this vital work for our young people in the years leading up to their confirmation in the faith?
Does this opportunity sound right for you?
Please contact Bob at or 518-731-9268.Related Opportunities
Community Life
Run a Small Prayer Group
More than 20 Small Prayer groups are meeting on Zoom or over the phone across both parishes! Please contact us today and get connected to one… or form your own.
Community Life Committee
Help plan social activities for parishioners. New members and new ideas are always welcome!
Catechists for Grades 5, 8, & 9
We seek catechists for Faith Formation & Children’s Liturgy of the Word. Anyone interested, please call Bob at 518-731-9268.
Catechists for Children’s Liturgy of the Word
We hope to resume this option for our pre-K and elementary school kids in September at the 11:30 AM Masses. Open to youth and adult catechist volunteers (7th grade or older).