The parish began among Irish settlers sharing their vision and foresight with Father William Howard who crossed the river from St. Mary’s, Hudson to minister to their spiritual needs. He traveled many miles to bring the faith to the people where they were.
The faith is still strong here, fed by the memories of the many pastors who have preceded, yet handing on the stalwart spirit which marks St. Mary’s as a holy Church.
Together we have lived through many changes in the Church, yet retaining an inner strength and pride of faith which has been influenced not only by the quality of the structure, but also the quality of service which emanates readily from the people themselves.
Get Involved
Time & Talent
Fill out our volunteer form
Catechists for Children’s Liturgy of the Word
We hope to resume this option for our pre-K and elementary school kids in September at the 11:30 AM Masses. Open to youth and adult catechist volunteers (7th grade or older).
Run a Small Prayer Group
More than 20 Small Prayer groups are meeting on Zoom or over the phone across both parishes! Please contact us today and get connected to one… or form your own.
Faith Formation
Faith Formation is the lifelong ongoing development and growth in the knowledge and experience of God through a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. We have many programs available, for both children and adults, to help us as we praise God, refresh our faith, and build our discipleship, growing week by week in our commitment to the Gospel.