Faith Formation is the lifelong ongoing development and growth in the knowledge and experience of God through a relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. This includes Catechesis (the formal passing on of the faith), Worship (Mass), and Christian Service.
We have programs for young children (Grades K-6), older youth (Youth Ministry Grades 7-10), young adults and adults (Wednesday night Faith Sharing session with Deacon Mike McDonald), as well as the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (for those coming into the church). The programs include Sacramental preparation for 1st Reconciliation and Eucharist (grade 2) and Confirmation (from grade 10 and older). On Sunday during the 11:30 Mass, we also have the Children’s Liturgy of the Word for children ages 4-6.
Faith Formation Programs
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
The Children’s Liturgy takes place during 11:30 Mass from the end of the opening prayer until the presentation of the gifts. Session facilitators will lead the children in a lesson that mirrors the Gospel at their level. This is intended for children ages 4-6.
Faith Formation: Grades K-6
Catechesis: Our sessions include opening faith sharing with scripture and music followed by 55 minutes of formal age appropriate sessions using texts and internet resources. We use texts published by Sadlier, including the “We Believe” Program as well as the Sadlier website.
The teaching method of the curriculum is circular in nature. The topics discussed each year are similar and designed to be understood in a deeper way each year. In that regard, understanding presupposes that students participate each year and do not skip years needlessly.
Christian Service: In the fall the children participate in the Samaritan’s Purse Christmas Shoebox Present Program; Operation Christmas Child. During Lent the children also participate in Catholic Relief Services’ Ministry: Operation Rice Bowl.
Youth Ministry: Grades 7-10
Our sessions include 20 minutes of faith sharing that includes scripture and praise music. Our age-appropriate sessions employ the “Ascension Press Video Series” for Grades 7-9), “DecisionPoint” Confirmation Video Series for 10th Grade, and ‘The Spirit Sets Us Free” for Immediate Confirmation Preparation.
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
RCIA is for those young adults or adults who are seeking full initiation into the Catholic Church. We prepare those who have never been baptized (Catechumenate), those who have been baptized in another Christian Faith who seek entry to the Catholic Church (Candidate), and those who have been baptized Catholic but have yet been fully initiated into the church (ongoing conversion).
Adult Faith Sharing
Thursday nights on Zoom, a group meets to discuss the Bible, the Mass, or any other theological questions that happen to cross our minds that night. Led by Deacon Mike.